Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Commentary on "Legalize It!"

Here is what I posted on Kash's Article regarding the legalization of marijuana.

I agree on your point of view and believe that marijuana should become legal Texas. Mainly because I believe that the state is spending too much money on holding so called criminals, whose only real crime is smoking marijuana. This will make the Texas economy richer, as seen in the emerald triangle of California. 2/3 of the economy there comes from the marijuana sales and I think many people will be able to benefit from this. This will also help the war on drugs somewhat, since the government will focus on prosecuting individuals who smuggle much more dangerous drugs, such as cocaine.
The one negative I do see to this is that a lot of teens will try to go for more of a high from drugs such as cocaine, and heroin because they do not find marijuana to do anything for them anymore. I think that you only took into account the immediate consequences of legalizing marijuana and did not look ahead into what other issues could arise from it. In the end I think that legalizing it would do more good than the harm that people think it is actually doing. People need to be more informed about weed and new test should be done to see if it is really such a detrimental drug to someone’s health.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Dangers of Bearing Arms

The new law regarding concealed handguns being allowed on university campuses in Texas is a bad idea in my opinion. First of all I believe that the second amendment was not originally supposed to allow anyone to own a firearm. It could have meant something else, but the government has decided that it means just that, which creates situations such as this, were a new bill could let students carry handguns inside a school campus. Has the government not learned that columbine happened because a pair of teenagers were allowed to buy ammunition from a local Kmart without anyone saying a thing? I think that if this bill goes through there are going to be a massive amount of problems that have to do with firearms in Universities.
There are many things that could go wrong in letting this go through, such as someone accidentally firing a bullet inside a class and killing someone in the process. Also if a mass school shooting were to happen again, there might be an instance of someone accidentally shooting an innocent victim, instead of getting the actual shooter. I also believe that students who live in dorms will get to have guns inside their dorm and this could lead to a shooting where there is really no higher authority to control the students. I believe that school is not a dangerous place to be in, but with this new bill it’s as if the government wants to make everyone believe that it is. Yes there are instances in which tragedies have occurred such as the Virginia tech massacre, but I believe that if students were allowed to have handguns at the time, things would have been a lot worse.
In a way I can see why the government believes that this could help out with gun violence in school, but I don’t believe that it is the right approach and that they should really reconsider this decision. I know I wouldn’t want to be in a school were students are so insecure that they believe having a gun will make them impervious to danger.